Eileen's Age:

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

William's Age:

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Every night, we get Eileen ready for bed.

And EVERY NIGHT, she is not. ready. to. go. to. sleep.

Bedtime?  NO!  PARTY!!!!
 She pulls up and "walks" around the living room....
...pulling up

 ...grabbing everything she wants:

Target in sight: Nail Clipper

Getting closer...

Almost there...


What?  It's totally normal to chew on nail clippers

Eileen just doesn't get why we would want to make her go to bed when we're up and able to play-


Laura @ My Thoughts-Uninterrupted said...

Visiting from BEB. What is it with the nail clippers? My 11 month old does the exact same thing! I can't believe she by-passed the remote though. Wow!

Emily Steele said...

She only by-passed the remote because I wasn't watching anything. If there's something good on the TV, she can't help but grab the remote and change the channel/turn the TV off/hit "mute".