Eileen's Age:

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

William's Age:

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why I Disappeared Last Week

Last week, everything I own broke.
Baby (and Mommy) were not amused
Well, that's the way it seemed.

My cell phone died.
Eileen didn't seem to mind that the phone was broken...
and no, she did not chew on it until after it had died.

My car's transmission decided to go on the fritz.

And my computer would not turn on!  (Thus the lack of any posts...)

By Wednesday, things had begun to turn around:

David replaced my iPhone with a DROID... and I love it!

My transmission needed to be serviced, rather than replaced.  So it cost $150 instead of $2,500.

And my computer was under warranty!

"Things are lookin' up!"
I just had to go to Birmingham to the Apple Store to get it serviced.

As it turns out, the only problem with my computer was that the charger was broken.  But it would be replaced for free!

My only complaint is that the hippies who work in the Apple Store were so busy giving the stink eye to my perfectly-behaved baby (seriously, Eileen was an absolute angel!), that they forgot to give me half of the charger.  I discovered that part of the charger was missing when I arrived home in Beatrice, which is over 200 miles from Birmingham.

An angel
The folks at Apple did overnight a new charger to me.  I received it on Friday.

My favorite part of the ordeal was that Eileen and I got to eat lunch with one of our favorite people, Margaret!

Margaret and Eileen.
Margaret gave Eileen her straw and made her SOOOO happy!

It was a long and exhausting and very, very HOT! week.  But we survived and we're back!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

absolutely an angel!!!