Eileen's Age:

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

William's Age:

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Eileen's Mommy Found the Camera Again

Tuesday was kind of a low-key day for Eileen.  We stayed around the house and watched it rain.

Since we were just hanging out at home, Eileen got to stay in her play clothes.

I LOVE the ruffled bottoms on these PJs.
Tuesday night, Eileen fell asleep at 9:30 and slept until 5am.  I consider that "sleeping through the night," and David and I are SO happy to finally get some sleep proud of her!

My Sittie (my mom's mom, Delores Wehby) told me that her babies (she has eight chiidren) always slept through the night once they weighed 12 lbs. It looks like Sittie was right.  

 Today, Eileen and I had an early wardrobe change because she spit up all over us.

She thought it was funny.

Actually, she was just grinning at her Snoopy mobile:

This afternoon, Eileen showed off her smile for the camera.  The pictures were too cute not to share:
Mabel figured out how to prop the Boppy Newborn Lounger so that Eileen can "sit up."  Eileen LOVES doing this.

Smiling at the cow rattle from Aunt Amy.

My FAVORITE picture.  See her dimple?  It's still there.

"Sitting up" like a big girl

Eileen and I are getting a little tired of being stuck inside due to cold weather, but it's looking like we'll get to take some long walks with the stroller this weekend.  The forecast is predicting temperatures near 70º this weekend!  It is 70º temperatures in January that make me love living in south Alabama.  And it's the 95º days in late October that make me wonder how people can endure the weather here.


Unknown said...

I LOVE all of these pictures! I just can't believe how big she is getting! I'm glad she likes her cow rattle. :)

Leslie said...

She is sooo cute and happy! I can't wait to meet her!! :)